How Can You Keep a Large Dog From Running Away?

Web Drop Services - Dogs Training

How Can You Keep a Large Dog From Running Away?


Keeping a large dog from running away requires a combination of training, supervision, and appropriate containment measures.

Here are some strategies to help prevent your dog from running away:

1.Training and obedience:

Invest time in training your dog to respond reliably to commands such as “come” and “stay.” Teaching them basic obedience and recall commands can help you gain better control over their movements and prevent them from wandering off.

2.Supervision and monitoring:

Always supervise your dog when they are outside, especially in unfenced areas or open spaces. Keep an eye on them to prevent any attempts to escape or chase after something that may lead them astray.

3.Secure fencing:

Install a sturdy and secure fence around your property to create a safe and enclosed space for your dog. Ensure that the fence is tall enough and has no gaps or weak points that your dog could squeeze through or jump over.

4.Leash and harness:

When walking or exercising your dog outside of your property, use a leash and harness to maintain control. This ensures that your dog stays by your side and reduces the risk of them running away.

5.Identification and microchipping:

Ensure that your dog is wearing a collar with identification tags that include your contact information. Additionally, consider microchipping your dog, as it provides a permanent form of identification that can help reunite you with your dog if they ever get lost.

6.Exercise and mental stimulation:

Provide your dog with plenty of physical exercise and mental stimulation to help reduce their desire to roam. A tired and mentally stimulated dog is less likely to attempt to escape in search of stimulation or adventure.

7.Safe and enriching environment:

Create a safe and enriching environment within your property. Provide your dog with adequate shelter, food, water, toys, and activities that keep them entertained and content, reducing their desire to wander.

8.Supervised socialization:

When introducing your dog to new environments or socializing them with other dogs, do so under supervision and in controlled settings. This helps prevent them from becoming overly excited and bolting away.


Remember that each dog is unique, and some may have a stronger tendency to try to escape. Assess your individual dog’s behavior and consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist if you’re facing specific challenges or concerns about your dog’s inclination to run away.

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Remember, training is a journey that requires patience

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