How can you stop a dog from peeking through windows?

Web Drop Services - Dog Training

If your dog has a habit of peeking through windows and you’d like to discourage this behavior,

here are some strategies you can try:

1.Block access to windows:

Restrict your dog’s access to windows by closing curtains, blinds, or using window coverings that limit their view. This helps remove the visual stimulation that may be enticing them to peek.

2.Create a comfortable space:

Ensure your dog has a designated and comfortable space away from windows. Provide a cozy bed, toys, and interactive activities to keep them occupied and entertained. This helps redirect their attention from the windows.

3.Use deterrents:

Consider using deterrents like window film, sticky surfaces, or temporary window coverings that make it uncomfortable or unpleasant for your dog to approach the windows. These deterrents can help discourage them from engaging in the behavior.

4.Provide mental and physical stimulation:

Engage your dog in regular exercise and mental stimulation to keep them physically and mentally satisfied. A tired and stimulated dog is less likely to engage in unwanted behaviors like peeking through windows.

5.Train an alternative behavior:

Teach your dog an alternative behavior that is incompatible with peeking through windows, such as settling on a mat or performing a specific command. Reward and reinforce this alternative behavior consistently.

6.Correct and redirect:

If you catch your dog peeking through the windows, calmly interrupt the behavior with a verbal cue or noise. Redirect their attention to an appropriate activity or behavior and reward them for focusing on that instead.

7.Seek professional help if needed:

If the behavior persists despite your efforts, consider consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can provide personalized guidance and help address any underlying issues contributing to the behavior.


Remember, patience and consistency are key when addressing unwanted behaviors in dogs. By providing alternative outlets for their energy and attention, along with clear boundaries and reinforcement, you can help discourage your dog from peeking through windows.

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Remember, training is a journey that requires patience

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